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- Jennifer Salaiz
Corrupt Cravings Page 2
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Page 2
The image of Marcianna and her words burned into Marcy’s brain. Only one holds the key. Somehow, she didn’t have a clue what that meant, but she wanted to find out. All she needed was to bring Donavon back, and then she could try to tap into more memories. From what the boy, Ben, had said, her other man was part of a wolf pack on the outskirts of Victoria, Texas. With him not being more than an hour and a half away, the waiting wasn’t helping with her unstable mind.
“I have to leave. By myself.”
The statement came out of nowhere. Marcy heard the words but didn’t realize at first she was the one who had spoken them. As she began to comprehend, pieces started to fit together. It was as if her subconscious knew what she needed to do.
“Leave where?” Dominic sat up and turned her over to look at him.
“It’s a full moon tonight.” Hesitation only lasted for a second. “I’m going to Donavon.”
“The hell you are! We’re going to get him after we sort things out here. I thought we already discussed this.”
Jason quickly rushed in. “Yeah, I’m with Dom on this one, Marcy. There’s no way I’m letting you go into a large group of wolves without me by your side.”
She looked back and forth to both of the men at her sides. “I’m going to get Donavon on my own, and that’s an order. With only two of us able to shift, Jason, you have a human life to live.”
“Fuck the human life! You’re my queen. You are my life.”
“No. You need to be here with your mother. Ambrose needs to stay to look after the vampires, and Dom, you can’t get in without blowing our cover. I’m going alone.”
Dominic groaned, standing from the bed. The muscles in his arms flexed as he went back to pacing the large length of her room. Unexplained calmness settled throughout her. Slowly, she eased from Jason’s hold and walked to her mate. He stopped upon seeing her.
“Marcy, I can’t let you go.”
“Come to me, lover.” She held out her hands. A nod was quickly followed by Dom collapsing to his knees. The thickness of his arms crushed her body against him. Nestling his face against her stomach, he held her until she lifted his face.
“I’ll be fine. It has to be this way. Trust me when I tell you that. Do you trust me?”
A pained expression darkened his face. “Yes, of course. But I don’t want to you to leave unprotected.”
“You taught me everything I know.” She smiled at him as he nodded his head, agreeing. The tension in his shoulders told her he still didn’t like it. “I need you here to help Jason and Ambrose train the vampires. I’m sure their instincts on attacking are good, but I need them better. The best.”
“How long do you think this will take?”
Marcy shrugged. “I’m not sure. I’ll have to win him over and get him to leave with me.”
“That shouldn’t take long. Well, I’m up. There’s no way I can go back to bed now.” Jason stood up, materializing dark clothes to cover his tall frame. In just the last week, he managed to grow another inch. If he continued to increase in size, Marcy feared he would surpass Dominic’s six feet four inches, and that was downright scary. Especially with how wide he already was.
“Hours are too long, Jason.” Ambrose rose, and she covered him in black clothing with a wave of her hand. They all stared while they waited for her to say something.
“I’ll spend time with everyone today, but I leave mid-afternoon.”
Dominic’s grip grew tighter just before he stood and hugged her body into his. “Promise me you’ll be careful. I hate this more than you’ll ever know. It feels unnatural to let you go off alone. Will you call to me if anything happens?”
“Yes, of course. You all go down and get everyone to meet me in the great hall. I’m calling a meeting. The vampires should still be awake, so the timing shouldn’t be a problem.”
Silence grew thick in the room as her men loaded themselves with weapons and left. Imagining a black medieval gown trimmed in gold, Marcella willed it to cover her. Smiling, she closed her eyes. There was only one person she wanted to see.
“Samael, come to me.”
The connection to his soul stirred, fluttering around inside of her stomach. She felt for their link and pulled. A curse was followed by his body bouncing against the mattress as he fell from where he was residing.
“Good thing I couldn’t sleep, or else you would have been in for a surprise. A naked surprise. So, is there a reason you summoned me? I could already hear you.”
Marcella laughed, climbing onto the bed. “I know you could, but I couldn’t resist the urge to test our link.” Crawling a little bit closer, she could feel her smile growing in the excitement. “Guess who visited me this morning?”
“Who?” He narrowed his gaze as he looked at her. Something in his blue eyes triggered an unexplained emotion, but she pushed it away, too eager to share her news. Every time she was around him, something kept trying to break through. Marcella found out a long time ago not to try to force it. The memories just wouldn’t come. Once, she tried reading his soul for information like she did with all the others, but with him, everything was blocked. Bringing herself out of her thoughts, she focused on his question.
“Marcianna. She left me a message.”
The shock on his face made her smile bigger. “A message?” He laughed, sounding almost nervous. “That’s impossible. Memories, okay, but an actual message…no. But please, enlighten me. What did she say?”
Confused, Marcella felt her head draw back. There was no point in arguing with him, but she knew what she saw, and that was her old self. “She did say it was a memory, but it was a message. Let me see, she said you all are not as you appear, oh, and that one of you is the key. Tell me Samael, do you know what that means?”
His expression went flat. “Sounds like bullshit to me. But if I did know something, I wouldn’t tell you. You know those were the conditions. Telling you before you remember will only make you repeat the past, and we don’t need you dying again. So, is there another reason why you called me here, to your bed of all places?”
Marcella’s jaw parted as she realized how close their bodies had become. The mischievous look on Samael’s face had her pausing. Their past was still unclear. The love he carried for her was still uncertain. It was enough for her to have his soul, and he admitted to his love, but never in detail. As if offended by her hesitation, his face turned away abruptly. Sadness swamped her emotions, and she clutched to her chest, physically feeling it ache. With his profile showing, the annoying emptiness of her memory pulled.
“Samael, look at me.”
“I didn’t think you wanted that. How could you? Is there anything else you need of me, my queen?”
“Yes. Have you decided to stay with me? I feel like you should be here. Something is telling me” Marcy took a deep breath, searching for the right words, but he quickly cut her off as he faced her.
“I don’t think there’s enough room in your bed for me. Sorry. I think where I live is just fine.”
Marcella went to reach out for him but stopped herself before her hand did anything more than twitch. “Don’t be like that, please. Why do you feel the need to be mean? You’re so bitter sometimes, and I don’t understand it.”
“Forgive me.” Samael took a deep breath and looked up at the ceiling. Whatever was bothering him, Marcella could feel it taking its toll on both of them. “I’m not myself this morning. I met with the masters, and let’s say it wasn’t too fun. But, all is well, so no worries. If there’s nothing else, I’ll be on my way. I really need some sleep.”
“Wait, there is something.”
She wasn’t sure what she was doing, but Marcy suddenly felt consumed with desire to see if they ever held a more intimate relationship than they detained now. Leaning in his direction, she slowly raised her hand to his face. Right before contact, he jerked back.
“What are you doing?”
“Let me try something. I need to see.”
you don’t. Nothing will become of it.”
“How do you know? Have we”
“No, and you always made sure it stayed that way. Why the thought would even cross your mind now is beyond me. Here, see for yourself.”
Marcella’s hand was jerked to his cheek so quickly, her whole body flew forward. Her breasts crushed into his hard frame, and pleasure exploded over her body at the contact of their skin touching. The same thing happened when she first summoned him so long ago on the pier.
The sound of her cry echoed in the stone room, and she fought whether to climb more on his lap or pull away completely. The conflicting emotions left her overwhelmed.
“Tell me, my queen, do you feel any connection to us as past lovers?”
Trying her best to focus on his words, she searched her scattered brain for a memory or vision, but still she stayed blocked. “Not lovers.” The sound came out more as a moan than a response. Pressure gripped her ankle and jerked her forward. Fingers inched up her leg, pushing the dress up as he leaned toward her. Breathing became almost impossible with the searing currents pulsing to her clit.
“No, we never got that pleasure. Now, if you want to change that, just say the words. You know how long I’ve wanted you. Let me make you mine, once and for all.”
“Yours?” The word gave her enough strength to pull away from him. Why, when he had said that, did she grow angry? So much meaning was wrapped up in his words. Mine. Yes, with that response came such a deep-rooted rage.
A loud laugh filled the room. “You’re very smart. I won’t share you. I’ve already told you that once before. It’s the reason you’ll see no memories. You’ve always refused to give up your men, just as I know you will not free yourself of them now.”
Even the thought of letting them go caused enough sensation to stir her collector. Cobwebs circled her ankles, barely catching her attention. The realization of a change brought her irritation to a crashing halt.
“You’re right. I won’t give them up. Ever.”
Something flickered over his face but vanished instantly. “I didn’t think so. Is there anything else, or am I free to go?”
“You should know I leave tonight. I’m going to Donavon.”
“I trust your men to protect you well. Everything will be fine.”
“They’re not going. My mind tells me to go alone. Marcianna tells me.”
Samael paused midway while getting off the bed. “Are you sure it is she who tells you? What if you’re confused?”
“No, I feel this. I must go alone, but I need you to take me to the dungeon later this afternoon. I must release my demon before I go. She’s the last person I want showing up. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone, but I won’t risk anyone’s safety.”
“Of course. I’ll be back later. My queen.”
Samael bowed and then vanished, leaving Marcella alone. Clearing her head, she opened the door and headed down the stairs. Everyone should be ready for the meeting, and she couldn’t get over the nervousness she felt. Yeah, they had spent the last week hanging out, but as for the meetings, that had only happened once before. It was when they first arrived. She had explained why she had killed Gwendolyn, and that was basically it. The vampires still needed to be shown what she could do. It was also imperative for them to know that she needed them as much as they needed her.
Noise and laughter flowed heavily from the great hall. Upon her arrival, everyone grew silent. Anxiety hit full force. Deep breaths. Just look forward and sit down. Jason! Marcella used their connection to speak to him in her mind.
“What’s wrong, babe? You okay?”
“Not really. I hate this.”
Marcella looked over at him as he followed Dominic and Ambrose to the chairs next to her throne. Since her and her other half found out they could communicate if in close distance, she took every opportunity to share her feelings with her boyfriend.
“You never did like being the center of attention, but you’re going to be their queen. They need to see you in action as an authority figure.” He paused. “They need to fall in love with you, Marcy. Something that’s going to be impossible with you leaving.”
Giving him a quick look, she took her place. “Thank you for all coming. I’ve called this meeting because Ambrose has informed me you were all told why I need you. For those of you who have a desire to place your soul in good hands, I ask that you give me the chance to prove myself.
“Most of you, I understand, believe your soul to be damned or not exist at all. Some of you even think that since you’re immortal, you don’t need it. I want to show you how wrong you are.”
Marcella walked to the front of the group. A guy in his early twenties looked down at her nervously. His green vampire eyes grew wide as she placed her hand over his heart. Brown hair fell forward as he looked down at the contact.
“Your heart beats extremely slowly, but it beats, true?”
“Yes,” his voice answered shakily.
“And it is possible that you can die. Am I right?”
He hesitated and shot his eyes to Ambrose. “She’s not going to kill me, is she? I really don’t want to be a guinea pig to some experiment.”
“No, she’s not going to hurt you,” Ambrose answered calmly.
“Yes, I can die.” His gaze came back to her face, and she let the pressure of her change make its way up her body. Gasps echoed through the large stone expanse as she looked around.
“How did you do that? You’re not a vampire.”
“I want you to calm yourself. No, I am not one of you, but as a collector, I can turn into any supernatural creature that exists.”
Hypnotizing him with her powers, she watched his face become void of any expression. “You will not fear me. I mean you no harm. The only reason I became a vampire was so you could see that I can change form, and, of course, to calm you.” Marcella broke the spell and watched as the nervousness left his body.
“I’m going to turn back into a collector now. I want to show you something else.” At mentioning the words, she could feel her true self take over. When gold blurred across her vision, she blinked to bring everything back into focus.
“You have a soul. Would you like to feel it?”
The vampire looked around at the surrounding crowd, and then turned his attention back to her. “Yes. Please.”
A few people stepped back while her hands rose up to cup his pale cheeks. “Kiss me.” Marcella whispered the words and watched while he didn’t hesitate. He lowered and gently placed his lips against hers. Coaxing his mouth to part, she kept her eyes open to watch his reaction. An instant tug jerked against her stomach to what lingered deep within. Information and images poured through her mind’s eye, momentarily blinding her from seeing his face.
Within seconds, she knew his life’s history. She also didn’t miss how large his stare had become since regaining her vision. Leaving his soul and breaking their contact, she took a step back.
“Your name is Joshua David Mathis. You’re eighty-one years old, and you have been a very naughty boy.” Marcella tried not to laugh as she saw him blush bright red. “You were born in California but didn’t become a vampire until you came to Texas. You were twenty-two when you were turned. Did you feel the connection I had to your soul?”
Long fingers rubbed his stomach. “Yes. It was like I had butterflies.”
Nodding, Marcella walked back to her throne. “You see, your souls are still deep within you. When you all were changed, you severed the tie to choose your eternal resting place. I can be your link. If you let me store your souls, I promise to keep true to where you belong. You have to know that if you decline to have a collector care for you, you’ll remain stuck in the place you die. I promise it’s not something you want.” She paused. “There is just one thing I ask of you.”
Taking in the mass of their reactions, she took a deep breath. It was time to drop the bombshell. “If I fight to keep you safe, you fight to protect me.”
ing erupted in the great hall as they talked amongst each other. Raising her hand, they became silent once again. “You do not have to make a decision today, but be aware there is one to make.
“Now, for the next thing I want to speak about. Most of you know I’m missing one of my knights. With thanks to one of you, we’ve possibly located him. I’ll be leaving you with Ambrose, Dominic, and Jason. I ask that you please listen to what they say. You are used to Ambrose being your leader, and he will remain so. Are there any questions?”
“How are we supposed to trust you?”
A dark haired vampire’s hand was raised. Inwardly, Marcella groaned. Weeks ago, when she’d been looking for Ambrose, this exact guy denied ever knowing him. The last night she arrived at the club, he tried to convince her to leave with him for the information. She’d been beyond unpleasant, but then again, so had he.
“Come closer”
“Sebastian.” He quickly pushed through the people to make his way to the front.
Marcella turned to look at Ambrose, shocked by the announcement of his name. “He’s the one who was below Gwen on the chain to take over from you?”
Turning her gaze back to Sebastian, she grabbed the black silk material of her gown and walked toward him. The sound of her men standing from their chairs caused everyone in the room to shift. Slowing her advance, she gradually stopped and turned to look at her knights.
“Men, you may sit. Sebastian and I are not going to fight.”
They paused in nodding, but ultimately obeyed her orders. Turning back to the vampire, she continued her approach. “I don’t expect you to trust me, Sebastian. I’m a stranger and also someone who denied your advances for a one-night stand.”
“Now, wait one minute. I told you I would tell you about Ambrose. I never said anything about fucking. You did.”
Marcella narrowed her eyes angrily at his tone. “You said you wanted to take me home.”
“To tell you about Ambrose.”