Corrupt Cravings Read online

Page 3

  “Well, if you ask me, giving over information about your master to a possible enemy can be considered betrayal. Treason. Is that what you were going to do?”

  “Absolutely not! I meant to turn you in to him.”

  “You could have done that the first night. Why wait a week? Either you were looking for sex or you were going to betray your master. Which is it?”

  “You fucking bitch.” Sebastian lunged at her but didn’t make it an inch before she lifted him in the air using the room’s energy and immobilized him.

  “It’s imperative all of you listen. If there’s one thing I won’t tolerate, it’s a liar. I don’t care what you did or what you think you might do. You always tell me the truth the first time or else I show no mercy. I love my people, and I treat them just as dearly as I would my own child, should I ever have one, but liars could get any of you killed, and I won’t stand for it. Not once.”

  Marcianna surged through her body, leading her words. The pure acceptance was almost immediate. Marcella couldn’t do this on her own. She wasn’t ready, but Marcianna mysteriously knew just when to take control.

  “Since all of you are new here, this will be the only time you will ever see me show mercy to a liar. You all must wonder how I know what his intentions were that night. It’s the same way I know the blonde woman, three persons over, is almost excited that I might be ending his life. There are things I just know. So I’m giving you the opportunity to vote. Does he live or die? Your lives depend on it. Is he trustworthy or not? Only you can decide.”

  Walking back to her throne, Marcella turned to Ambrose. “What is your vote? Do you trust him?”

  “I’ve never trusted him, but I think we need him.”

  “But can I gain his trust? If I can’t learn to trust him, Ambrose, I’m not sure how I can let him live. God, I hate saying that, but I can’t risk any of your lives because he might be a good fighter.” The vampire master turned to look at the still-floating Sebastian. For endless minutes she waited for his response but didn’t get one.

  The sound of a throat clearing brought her head around. The rate of her heart increased as Ben, the young vampire who knew of Donavon, stepped forward. The look on his face was one she couldn’t comprehend.

  “We have come to a decision.”

  Marcella stood, as did her men. “And what is your choice?”

  Silence, so thick she could have divided it with a knife, settled all around them. Air almost seemed impossible to take into her lungs as she fought to get control. Whatever they decided, she really hoped they were right.

  Chapter 2

  Samael yawned as he stared up at the ceiling of his penthouse. With as tired as he was, he knew sleep wasn’t coming anytime soon. Marcella’s touch still lingered against his skin. The throbbing of his cock made him groan. Using his fingers, he gripped the thickness tightly through his pants. Fuck. He really needed to get out of here and find something to do to get his mind off of her. The temptation to go to the shower and release some of the built up tension was an option, but one he was quickly getting tired of. God, what he wouldn’t do to have the real thing without the consequences that would follow.

  Sitting up, he looked around the expensively decorated room. Everything was either black or glass, just like he liked it. Bringing his attention to what he was wearing, Samael sighed. The dark Armani suit was full of wrinkles. If it wasn’t for the fact that he was going to find Nemmy, he’d probably change into something more casual, but not for one of his enemies. For that, he needed to look good.

  Bringing his hand down, he used his powers to straighten out the suit as he stood. Now, if he was an angel, where would he be at this time of the morning? Samael closed his eyes, seeing all too clearly what those two pretty boys looked like.

  Nemmy was something of perfection. His lean, sculpted body came up to a face that was more beautiful than most women’s. The light gray of his eyes looked like the sky on a cloudy day, but when he was angry, the color quickly darkened until it was as black as the night. Shoulder-length blonde hair was laced with blood-red streaks. Samael wouldn’t think an angel would go that route, but Nemmy wasn’t a typical angel. He was a warrior, up and foremost.

  Caspius was another story altogether. He was like Nemmy’s complete opposite in personality and looks. He had dark hair while dark skin covered him, but it was his light pink eyes that were shocking enough to make anyone stumble at first glance.

  Where Nemmy was quiet and always on the lookout, Caspius was a joker and always getting them into trouble. When the two came together in a fight, it was like the finger of God touched down. With the way the demons were taking over, it was no wonder those two had paired up.

  Samael took a look in the mirror and smiled. The gym. That’s where those two would be. They’d be pumping weights and going over what great success they had the night before. And Samael was about to walk in and piss on their parade. Good.

  He looked back down at the suit. Yeah, he’d keep it on. No use going in there with a false appearance. It’s not like they were going to fight, anyway. There was only one rule that they both shared—no humans could witness them fighting. Who would have thought they’d actually have something in common?

  Now, what gym would they go to? Damn, it was going to be a long day. Fucking do-gooders were almost impossible to find or track.

  Appearing in the parking garage, outside of his black Mercedes, Samael got in and tuned his senses to his surroundings. It was time to let the search begin.

  * * * *

  Tension ran high as Marcy and her men waited for Ben’s answer. The energy of the room practically crackled with electricity. Everyone’s emotions were definitely running on full throttle. The prickling of the hair on her arms standing on end had her rubbing her palms up and down their lengths.

  “He lives.”

  Marcella wasn’t sure whether to be thankful or uneasy, but she sure did feel her legs almost give out. “Thank you, Ben.” Bringing Sebastian down before her, she released him. A sharp intake of breath echoed through the stillness of the great hall. The vampire’s body collapsed at her feet.

  Easing from the chair, she joined him on the floor and cradled his face to look at her. “Sebastian, you’ve been given a second chance. Please do not lie to me again. The last thing I want is to lose anyone, including you. Do you think you can refrain from being dishonest?”

  Angry eyes penetrated into her hers. He jerked back and shakily stood. “No more lies, I got it.”

  Standing, she looked over at all the stares fixated on her. “This wasn’t how I saw our morning going. I’m sorry. I want you to all be happy here. As long as you’re honest with me and protect each other, nothing like this should happen again. I hope you all have a great time while I’m gone, and I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you personally when I return. Thank you for your time this morning. Now, you may all go eat if you’re hungry.”

  Marcella filled the table with every kind of breakfast food she could think of. It was true that vampires mainly consumed blood, but they still consumed real food at some point. Nothing was like she’d heard in so many stories growing up. Vampires were nothing like the myths. Although, besides Ambrose, who went out during the day on occasion, vampires did prefer the night, due to their light sensitivity.

  “Shall we eat?” Her breath was barely audible to herself. She wasn’t sure how her men could have heard her.

  “You did the right thing by letting them vote, love. They now know they have a voice, which is always good. You want them to come to you if they should ever need anything.”

  Marcella leaned against Dominic’s chest as he wrapped his arm around her. “I hope so. It’s imperative they don’t fear me. I’m not out to hurt anyone.”

  “I know.”

  The softness of his lips kissed her forehead just before he pulled out her chair. Marcella sat in her spot, at the very end, and looked down at everyone. The silence was killing her. They needed li
veliness, fun. Suddenly, she had an idea that made her smile. It’d been way too long.

  “Dom, play us some music. Something to liven up this place. Geez, it is way too gloomy.”

  “Any requests,” he yelled.

  Jason laughed and winked at Marcy. “That’s my girl. About fucking time she came back. Shit, play some Disturbed or Breaking Benjamin. That would definitely get this place going.”

  Ambrose’s head reared back in distaste. “No way, play something a little more low-key. It’s way too early for that loud mosh music. We’re looking to liven things up, not engage in acts of screaming lyrics and breaking chairs.” Ambrose sipped his coffee but tried not to smile as he brought the cup back up to his lips.

  “Oh, I know, play ‘Angel’ by Massive Attack.”

  Marcella looked down at a strawberry-blonde woman in her early twenties. The black eyeliner made her green eyes glow. The shock Marcy felt at hearing the girl say that song, out of every song she could have requested, made her speechless. That was the exact song Dom had played when she had bit Jason and turned him into a collector.

  Bass thumped through her body as she lifted her glass and began to drink the orange juice. Not daring to look up at Dominic, she tried her best to keep her gaze down. It wasn’t long before he lifted her chin with the tip of his finger.

  “Are you acting shy? You’re remembering, aren’t you? God, the way you moved.” His heavy breathing caused her whole body to tingle against the erotic beat. The lyrics filled the room, and she wiggled in her chair while the memories of Jason’s cock sliding into her pussy covered her vision. Suddenly, she was pulled into Dom’s lap.

  “You know why I played this song that day, don’t you?”

  “No. I just figured you liked it.”

  “To me, you’re captivating. You come from darkness like me. The way you were seducing him…fuck, it was so hot. But don’t get me wrong, I like the good in you more. The dark just has a way of pulling you into it, especially when it comes so naturally to me.” Dominic nuzzled her neck.

  “Well, I’m glad you’ve taken a turn for the good side. I always thought of you more as an angel, anyway.” Marcella pulled back to look at him as he laughed.

  “Oh, no. I'm no angel. I’m a demon. The two aren’t even close. I’m still capable of bad, but I like to think that I can do good at times, too.”

  Upset, Marcella looked into his beautiful face. “You’re no demon, Dominic. The only reason you have that status is because I gave it to you. I brought you back and sent you to hell. That’s not your fault.”

  “Well, if you think I’m an angel, then thank you. I think. Truthfully, I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment. It doesn’t feel right. You being an angel somehow sits well with me, but to think of myself as one leaves a bad taste in my mouth.” He quickly changed the subject. “Now, if I put you down, are you going to eat or just push your food around like you usually do?”

  “I can’t eat. Samael’s coming over later so I can shift, and I don’t want to risk getting sick because of all the twisting associated with the change.”

  The smile fell from her men’s faces while she took in their reactions.

  “Why does he have to be here? You don’t trust us to take care of you?” Ambrose looked at her, hurt. The moment he broke their eye contact and looked at the table, her heart dropped.

  “No, it’s not that. I do trust you all, but I need to release the demon, and I’ll have to be chained down. The last thing I want is for any of you to see me like that. Plus, it would kill me if I were to hurt one of you. The way I can project fire from my body scares me.”

  Dominic held her tighter. “I don’t care. I’m going to be there. This is what I do, Marcella. It might even be the reason you placed me where I am. Maybe I’m meant to control that part of you. I outrank you. You have to listen to me in that form. Until you overpower me, I’m your master.”

  “I forgot you’re a prince. I guess it wouldn’t hurt for you to accompany us.”

  The sound of a drink spilling brought her eyes shooting in Jason’s direction. His whole body trembled. Marcella watched the chair fly backward at the quickness with which he jumped to his feet.

  “Jason?” She rushed to his side as he stared ahead, dazed. “Jason, snap out of it and talk to me. What’s going on?”

  His lips parted as if to say something, but no words came out. Dominic hesitantly walked forward, grabbing Marcy by the waist and pulling her away from her boyfriend. Short gasps of air rushed out of his mouth as he continued to stare forward.

  The emptiness in Jason’s gaze had alarms going off inside Marcella. There was only one thing she could think to do. “Samael!” Marcy screamed his name, her mind too scattered to summon him. What was happening? She should have noticed Jason had hardly said a word since they were all seated by her throne. He’d mentioned music, but overall, he hadn’t made a dent in the conversation like his usual self.

  The dark angel appeared, looking around confused and panicked. “What the fuck! You almost blew out my ear drums. Plus, I was driving. I could have killed someone.” When his vision came to Jason, he went rigid and rushed forward. “When did this start?”

  “Seconds ago,” Dominic rushed in.

  “What’s wrong with him? Is he okay?” Marcella pulled against her mate’s arms, trying to get closer.

  “I’m taking him to the dungeon. If he’s changing like I think he is, the zoning out isn’t good. I can only think of one thing that does that before all hell breaks loose. Dominic, give Marcella over to Ambrose, and you come with me.”

  “No way, I’m not leaving him.” Marcella jerked, and Dom let her go. There was no way she’d let Jason experience his first change alone. Sure, he’d turned into a vampire willingly, but when a shift was uncontrollable, Marcy knew how scary and painful it could be.

  “Don’t be stupid. You’re not going, and that’s final,” Samael snapped. “I don’t care if you are queen. If I see you so much as peek your head in, I’ll bend you over my knee. Do you hear me?”

  The dark angel’s hands grabbed Jason and vanished. Dominic’s red eyes caught her off guard, nearly making her scream. “I’ll take my turn placing you over my knee if you disobey. Is that clear? You are not to go down there. Whatever Jason is turning into is very bad. I can feel the evil. Do not disobey me. I am asking as your main protector, not your mate. I can’t help you and Jason at the same time, and I know how much you love him.”

  Marcella nodded her head, feeling her heart break at the same time. Ambrose’s arms wrapped around her from behind, and she turned into him as Dominic disappeared. The fear she felt for her other half brought tears to her eyes. Locating Jason’s soul deep inside, she internally comforted it. Somehow, she prayed that did something to ease him in what he was going through.

  “Ambrose, what do you think he’s going to change into? I’m scared for him. What could be so bad that it would put him into a trance like that?”

  “I have no idea. Come. Let’s take a walk in the bailey. Some fresh air would do you good.”

  Marcella noticed people standing from the table. Their safety needed to be put first. “Everyone, retire to the second floor for today. Jason is in the dungeon, going through some changes. The underground level is not safe. I’ll make sure the windows are completely blacked out for your comfort. Tomorrow, you may all return to your quarters.”

  Focusing her mind, she sealed off all the windows. Although the vampires could sleep with the light coming in, they enjoyed the darkness the underground provided. She didn’t blame them one bit. The light was definitely a pain in the ass to their sensitive eyes.

  “Let’s go for that walk. I can’t even think knowing Jason might be in pain. I feel so helpless.”

  Ambrose led her through the door to the outside courtyard. Since it was located in the middle of the castle, she never had to worry about anyone sneaking up from the outer perimeter. A large gazebo surrounded by pink hibiscus circled the wooden
sitting area. They made their way to the wicker furniture just as clouds broke out over the sky.

  “Well, shit. This sounds about right. I finally want to come outside, and it rains. What are the odds?”

  Ambrose laughed, and Marcella sat down anyway, shielding the courtyard with her energy from any possible downpour. Rubbing her eyes, she tried to calm her nerves.

  “Come, lay down on my lap. I will relax you.” Ambrose pulled her long hair over his lap, allowing it to fan over the side.

  “Thanks. You always make me feel better.”

  Resting her head against his hard thighs, she watched his hand hover above her body. After a few seconds, the peace associated with his powers wouldn’t come. Nothing about this situation was normal, and she knew she couldn’t just sit by and do nothing.

  “I have to get to Jason. Something’s not right.”

  “No, no. You stay here with me. Maybe I’m just getting rusty. I haven’t tried to do this in a few weeks.”

  “Bullshit, Ambrose. Jason needs me. Either you’re coming or not. Tell me now because I’m about to vanish.”

  “You know I’m not leaving you.”

  Grabbing his hand, Marcella closed her eyes and felt for Dominic. She’d never been to the dungeon before and had no clue how to even get there. When she felt the pull, she grabbed and felt the tingling associated with her disappearance. Opening her eyes, she froze at what she saw. Stone walls surrounded a large room the size of a football field, but what stood chained in the middle nearly stopped her heart.

  Ambrose let out a shuttering breath. “Oh, sweet Jesus. I’ve got to get you out of here!”

  Marcella could feel herself being pulled away by Ambrose, but she was so in awe with what she saw, she felt momentarily paralyzed. Realizing what was happening, she ripped out of his grasp and lunged forward, running at a full sprint.

  “What the hell is she doing here!” Samael yelled out. “Ambrose, I told you to keep her away!”